د. بوراوي قطي, جراح التجميل والترميم
90%حريف راض
5000+عملية جراحية
15+سنوات الخبرة
قصة ثقة متبادلة
جديرون بالثقة
A British Mathematician “Alfred North Whitehead” once said: “Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern”. With this I would like to recognize Dr Kottis’ immense talent driven by his extensive experience and thank him for his courtesy and professionalism. You are a wonderful Plastic Surgeon, but above all else, a terrific human being. Thanks again, you are truly the “gold standard”.Nadia
je voudrais exprimer ma gratitude par ce simple témoignage ki ne saura être suffisant pr vs remercier!!une citation dit:soyons reconnaissants aux personnes ki ns donnent du bonheur.le résultat m’a agréablement surpris!!D doigts d’ange!Du beau travail!vs avez fait preuve de professionnalisme et de compétence!! Je suis vrmnt très heureuseDami
Thank you Doctor Bouraoui Kotti for everything …You’re the Best surgeon For me and i Trust only you …thanks for my mammoplasty , Botox fillers !!! And can’t wait for my new Rhinoplasty…
Keep Rocking you made my life more beautiful .
With love : Hana Fehri .ActressHana Fehri